larry heal posterFollowing is race itinerary:
1. We encourage on line race registration to save racers time. Pay Pal will be set up soon.
2. Pre-Race registration:
Friday @ Islander 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.
Late Sign ups: Saturday @ Islander 9:00 to 10:30 P.M.
NOTE: ” Saturday registration ” $20.00 “Late Fee” (can be avoided when you sign up online).
3. Race Route: Big Lake to Skwetna, N. bound via the “overland trail route”. Return S. bound via “river route”.
4. Gas on the “clock” in Skwentna. Fuel & Oil will be provided. Racers are welcome to provide their own fuel in Skwentna only. AMMC will also provide fuel @ Luce ‘s on the river as a checkpoint fuel stop, Northbound route only.
5. AMMC fuel charge: $ 90.00. If providing your own fuel, charge is exempt.  Please call Ken Lee 229-9072 if you plan to take care of your own fuel. Otherwise please pay at time of sign up.
6. Racer bib # must be on both sides of cowling. #’s on rear of tunnel are only an addition of #’s, they must be on cowling, 6″ in height in contrasting color.
7. Standard cross country safety rules apply. Chest protector, shin guards, working tail light, brake light, head lights. Studs, maximum 96. Additional ISR cross country rules apply !!
8. Course is being marked Saturday, March 9. Big Lake will not be marked until race day morning. AMMC will check course marking prior to race start Friday, prior to March 16 race day.
9. Direct all questions to Ken Lee, @ 227-9072 or Mike Lasky @ 229-0178