Updated 7/21/2013

Fundraiser brought in $2000!!! Thank to all who participated!

Update 6/30/2013

AMMC Racing Annual Awards Banquet/General Meeting will be held July 20th at the Big Lake Lions Den located off Lions Court.

Directions – Follow the Parks Highway to Big Lake Road. Turn left onto Big Lake Road and continue to just past the “Y” in Big Lake. Follow the “Y” left and take the first left onto Lions Ct drive, the Den is at the end of the road.

Please come Congratulate our Champions, Sponsors & Volunteers! Champions of the 2013 Season will be named soon and posted at the site. You are invited to come celebrate the new AMMC Racing XC Champions and recognize all 120 Participants and of course we will be showing our gratefulness to all the wonderful sponsors who helped make our season a success! And lastly, we hope to thank all our volunteers who give countless hours of their time and energy marking the trails and manning the checkpoints, hanging banners, setting up and taking down, plowing and so much more! Please come show your appreciation for all the people who donate their help, so willingly.

BBQ Style family day. Walk begins at 11AM, BBQ at 12:30PM and all food will be provided. Games, outdoor activities and silent auction will be ongoing. Awards Ceremony begins between 2:30-3:00PM and the General Meeting will immediately follow, Closing and clean-up.

“Applause with a Cause” is sponsored by Devery Prince Allstate! Devery is very supportive of the wintertime sport of snow machining both personal and of those who compete.

This awards ceremony will be a combined event as we will be raising School supplies along with other useful items for students K-12 for the Big Lake area schools.

Using the bike trail system from “Napa” to “the Den”, participants will walk, run, wheel or ride along the bike trail to show your support of AMMC Racing and helping to bring in these items. You may gather donations starting now and bring them to the event to receive your gift for helping. Drop off points will be posted soon as well for those who want to help but may not be able to attend.

What to gather: For now we are gathering Back Packs, Lunch Boxes, and basic school supplies. Once we have a more detailed list of what is needed we will post it.

Want to help?

We will need BBQ Grills on loan, Cooks, Coolers for beverages, Ice, trash patrol and help setting up and cleaning up.

Contact Savanha at 907-355-6395 or Michelle Whittock 907-745-7533 if you would like to help with our activities for the day.