Hi Race Fans!!
Winter is back and AMMC is ready to start racing! A general membership meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 3rd, 7:00pm at Bella Vista Restaurant in Peters Creek. This meeting is a great time to update your membership, meet our board members, and hear all about how AMMC is going to rock the race track this season!
AMMC has been focused on making this one of the best seasons yet for our adult racers! Please let us know what your race plans are by clicking on this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ammcracersurvey and completing the survey. We would love to hear your honest feedback and how we can make AMMC even better!
New to the 2015 racing season is online registration for every event & race! We will be sharing our new RaceDay online registration & showing you how to best utilize this software for your race registration needs, at the meeting. RaceDay can also be used to purchase and renew your AMMC membership. Thank you to Alaska Spine Institute for sponsoring our RaceDay Software and helping to improve AMMC!!
We are working hard to get SnoCross back on our race schedule. If you have ideas or suggestions that would benefit our club, please bring them to the meeting. Our junior class is another area that we would like to see grow. Anybody that is interested in racing in the junior class, is more than welcome to join us at the meeting. If we know that you are ready to race, we can plan on adding that class to our events.
The 120 Race Directors, Kyle and Amanda Nicoll, will be at the meeting to discuss all matters relating to 120 races. New race classes and rules were established for this season, and we need all parents to be up to speed prior to races starting.
Our Sponsorship Director, Sadie Leader, will be there to discuss the sponsorship levels for 2015. If you are a business owner, or know a business that would be interested in sponsoring our events, please join us.
There are many opportunities for our fans to volunteer this year. We will have a sign-up sheet at the meeting for anybody that would like to be contacted to volunteer for an AMMC event.
Our entire Board of Directors will be present at this meeting. Come on out and say hello to Mike Lasky, President and Ken Lee, Vice President as well as all of our other hard working board members. This is the time to ask questions and let us know how we can better serve you.
We appreciate all of our race fans, riders, and volunteers and can’t wait to see you all on Wednesday!
Thank you,
Jessica McDonnell
AMMC, Secretary
(907) 892-2332