Iron Pup UNLOAD- you will come down 5th street and turn RIGHT on H st. UNLOAD MACHINES AT H st and 4th Ave. After you unload you will proceed down H st. and turn LEFT on 3rd Ave. and go to L st.

FOR PARKING AFTER YOU UNLOAD. You will go down 6th ave and loop back to 5th ave. From 5th AVE you will turn RIGHT on D. st and park on 4th ave. The BLUE DOT is 120cc parking.

Check in will be at the WHITE ENCLOSED TRAILER that will be by the UNLOADING ZONE between 9am and 10am. Great Alaska Pizza will be delivering PIZZA for the kids at 11am! Thank you GREAT ALASKA PIZZA COMPANY. Pizza will be by 4th and G st.

IF YOU ARE NOT DOING THE STRAIGHT RHYTHM: you will proceed back up E st to 4th ave to load your machine. WE WILL HAVE AN ADULT LEADING THIS GROUP BACK UP. PARENTS you will need to be up there to receive your kids. KYLE AND I will be getting Straight Rhythm ready so will not be up top.

KIDS PARTICIPATING IN STRAIGHT RHYTHM: you will follow Kyle on the designated route to 3rd ave. Kids will be staged for this event on 3rd ave closest to C st.

Please call with any questions. Kyle 907-830-6198 or Amanda 907-232-7217 Thank you, Amanda

SAFETY GEAR REQUIRED: Helmet, goggles, chest protector, shin guards, gloves.