What an amazing Race #3. Thank you to everyone that jumps in and helps on the course and during clean up. Our next race is March 2nd. Registration will open this week. I will also post season standings to our Facebook page for Super Stock, Improved, 206 and both 200 classes this week.
Below are results for Feb. 16th Race.
Parents and Spectators.
You are a huge part of this organization and very appreciated. We rely heavily on your cooperation and parenting. We expect positive behavior. You may not always agree with the board members, and that is okay, but we ask that disagreements be handled appropriately. Please talk to the board members if you are having an issue. We all want what is best for your child and the races so please come to us with a willingness to hear our side and work through the issue/s and we will do the same. Remember we are all volunteers.
We will be amending a rule for Youth and updating the website soon.
General Competition
1. General age is 4 -13 (3 years of age will be case by case basis, must race “Stock Class”)
2. Racer Number mandatory on front and back of driver, Windshield is also recommended, Clear and visible.
3. Any underage/overage class racing to be determined by race director only.
4. Copy of racer birth certificate must be on file.
5. The same sled cannot register for more than one class.
Thank you again everyone for all your support. It is a blast to see all these kids out having fun at the races. See you March 2nd!